Linam Ramblings

This site started out as a collection of our photos and Abby's diary from our trip to Australia in 2005, but I decided to keep adding photos and stories from other places and events that inspire us. Hope they inspire you too!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Washington trip - July 21

Photos by Abby

We slept in this morning. After we got up we watched TV until 1:00. Then we went to the library for 1 hour.
Then we went on a hike at a wildlife refuge. Next we went to a nature center on Puget Sound. We went on a kayak trip through the bay.
We saw Mt. Rainier and some seals as we paddled around. After that we just went back to Yelm.

Washington Trip - July 20


We got up and went down to tidepool in the lowest tides all month. We saw seastars, oysters, urchins, sculpins, nudabranks, and lots of kelp. Then we went on a ferry ride to Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. We just walked around the city. We saw some guitar and violin players on the streets. We saw historic buildings and walked through and ate in Chinatown. It was fun. Then we went back on the ferry. We went driving up a mountain to a great view on Hurrican Ridge at sunset. We could see beautiful mountains with snow on them. We hiked around a little and the sunset made it look beautiful. We went back to Yelm, went to bed, and ended the longest day of our vacation.