Linam Ramblings

This site started out as a collection of our photos and Abby's diary from our trip to Australia in 2005, but I decided to keep adding photos and stories from other places and events that inspire us. Hope they inspire you too!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Mississippi Memories

Recollections of Decatur

I remember...

Climbing mimosa trees
and playing "Lost in Space,

Hot mornings in the pea patch
and sipping Coca Cola with Grandma,

Exploring all the "junk draws" for treasures
and sliding down the wooden hallway with the attic fan on,

Hiking across the pastures
and jumping from hay bales,

Walking down the red dirt road
and exploring the feed crib and old barn and block house,

Collecting eggs
and shelling peas,

Playing hide and seek
and "Ain't No Ghosts Out Tonight..."

Swimming at the club pool
and working up our courage to go off the high dive,

Waking up to the sound of birds through the open window
and the smell of biscuits in the kitchen,

Riding Goldie
and fishing for catfish with a cane pole,

Sleeping on feather beds at the old farmhouse
and pumping water from the old hand pump,

Cows at the farm
and the time my dad put me on one!

Cookies at Aunt Dorothy's
and milking cows at Uncle Sam's,

Big family dinners with sweet, sweet tea
and Aunt Bobbie's caramel pie,

Grandma chasing us with her false teeth
and watching "The Price is Right,"

Colored lights spinning on the aluminum Christmas tree,
and sleeping on the wooden floors with cousins,

and love.

Dedicated to Grandma, Aunt Mavis, and all the ones we've loved and lost...


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