Linam Ramblings

This site started out as a collection of our photos and Abby's diary from our trip to Australia in 2005, but I decided to keep adding photos and stories from other places and events that inspire us. Hope they inspire you too!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

November 9, 2005 - Fiji

Today my mom and I got up early to go horseback riding. Mom rode a smart little mare and I roade a stubborn stallion. I could not make him go faster than a trot. Mom's horse would do anything Mom wanted her to do. When we got back Mom let me ride her horse and the stallion's owner rode him. We loped all over the beach. It was fun!
Afterwards we went snorkeling. We saw pretty fish, blue starfish, and spiky sea anemones.

When it was time to go to the airport an Indian man offered to drive us. On the way we went shopping and climbed sand dunes. It was a lot of fun!


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