Merry Christmas 2008!
We are all well, and, as always, are thankful for your care and concern for our family. Abby is a 9th-grader at Hill Country Christian School this year.
She is doing very, very well. She’s playing volleyball, softball, and planning to run track. She’s also taken up the bass guitar this year and shows a remarkable sense of rhythm (not sure where she got that!). Her other big hobby continues to be her dog, Arby—they did very well in obedience and agility competition this year. She’s a blessing to us; just the thought of her leaving home in less than four years is one of those things that has us treasuring time.
Frank is also back at Hill Country this year for 7th grade. Although I miss my homeschool buddy, he’s enjoying the chance to play junior high basketball and compete in academic competitions. He had another good season pitching for his Little League baseball team in the spring. He also continues to play guitar and piano (and GameCube) and enjoys unwinding with his puppy, Aggie. They started beginner agility classes this fall. Frank really grew up in a lot of ways this year (literally—he’s almost as tall as his mom!)
Gordon and I just try to keep up. Besides our jobs at Texas Parks and Wildlife, we’re both involved in the music team at church and helping out at school and in the Wimberley 4-H club. We were blessed this year with the chance to serve a couple of meals at the Ronald McDonald House in San Antonio where we stayed all those weeks in 2006. It was good to just give back a little of the care we received there. And then we all enjoyed a camping trip in California this summer. The sequoias, Yosemite, and Big Sur were awe-inspiring, even through all the smoke—you can check out pictures of our trip and read Frank's journal in the posts below.
However, the year did bring us some heartache. In September of this year we suddenly lost Gordon’s Mom to heart failure. We will miss her presence in so many ways—she created such a loving home and wonderful family. I was struggling with words to try to pay her a fitting tribute, and, suddenly, as I read through Proverbs 31, I realized that I only needed to update the list of activities and the passage would be a perfect reflection of Mom’s life. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it below. Even in our sadness now, I realize that she has left us with many blessings…
May you count, treasure, and hug your blessings this Christmas season.
A Woman Who Fears the Lord – Proverbs 31
In Loving Memory of Charlene Ophelia Brown Linam
An excellent wife and mother who can find?
She is far more precious than jewels.
The heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good, and not harm,
all the days of her life.
She takes up the dishes and laundry,
and works with loving hands.
She is the friend of the merchant (especially Dillards!);
she shops for quality in food and goods.
She rises while it is yet night
and cooks those famous meals for her household
and for all their friends.
She considers a perfect gift and buys it;
with the fruit of her hands she picks the garden and pecans.
She shows remarkable strength;
she does not tire from encouraging her family.
Her work is respected in the City, and still,
at home she works into the night.
She travels for soccer and baseball and basketball and softball…;
her children’s children are her passion.
She gives to the church
and opens her home to friends.
She is not afraid of snow (especially on Christmas Day!),
for she gives fine clothes to her family
(even to her reluctant grandson!).
She wraps her home in beauty;
her clothing is tasteful and stylish.
Her husband is known in the City;
doctors and associates respect him.
She makes clothing for her grandchildren;
and pies and cakes that are beyond compare.
Kindness and generosity are her appearance,
and she laughs with joy among her family.
She opens her mouth with wisdom,
and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
She looks well to the ways of her household;
and, except for Spurs games, she is never idle.
Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
"Many women have done excellently,
but you surpass them all."
Charm is deceiptful, and beauty is passing,
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.