Linam Ramblings

This site started out as a collection of our photos and Abby's diary from our trip to Australia in 2005, but I decided to keep adding photos and stories from other places and events that inspire us. Hope they inspire you too!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Canyon Country Trip - August 20

Frank's Journal:

On Monday we went to the Grand Canyon. On the way there we stopped at a couple of cool overlooks of the north rim of the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is so big and so massive that it's hard to believe it's real! We did some hiking along the Grand Canyon but not in it. We stopped and ate sandwiches and chips. Then we went on some more cool hikes and Abby and I got the junior ranger badges. My favorite hike went to a cool overhang with a window in it. When we left the Grand Canyon we drove back at night to Aunt Linda's old house.


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