Linam Ramblings

This site started out as a collection of our photos and Abby's diary from our trip to Australia in 2005, but I decided to keep adding photos and stories from other places and events that inspire us. Hope they inspire you too!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Canyon Country Trip - August 23

Frank's Journal:
We got up at Aunt Linda's Dad's house in Phoenix and went for a hike at South Mountain Park. We got there at 9:00 and it was 95 degrees! We went on a hike, saw cool quail, and lots of small lizards. My Mom and I climbed up some rocks to look for lizards. We were climbing and I saw the tail of a Chuckwalla! We didn't see a Horned Lizard but we did see lots of other lizards. Then we drove through Saguaro National park and saw lots of cool saguaro cacti. Then when we finally got to the Desert Museum, we went on lots of hikes, and saw awesome animals. We saw birds, reptiles (including a Gila Monster in the zoo and a Regal Horned Lizard in the wild!), foxes, pumas, coyotes, wolves, and lots more. Once it closed we drove to Las Cruces and spent the night there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank, I'm glad to be back on the internet and found your journal to read. I enjoyed your accounts and the pictures were interesting. Keep up this hobby.

4:55 PM  

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